Explore the Impact of Sensory Processing Patterns on Sleep and Mental Health in Adults (18-64 years old) with Mental Conditions
Principal Contact: Megan Chang, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Angelica Torres, San José State University, graduate student
Kaylyn Vo, San José State University, graduate student
Amber Santana, San José State University, graduate student
Josh Olsen, San José State University, graduate student
Sally Morris, San José State University, graduate student

This anonymous survey aims to determine if there are correlations between sleep quality, sensory processing, and various mental health conditions. Approximately 100 adults, ages 18-64 will participate in this study. Please feel free to forward this link to your friends and family who may be interested in taking the survey.

PURPOSE: There is limited research exploring the link between sensory processing and sleep among adults with mental health disorders. It is essential to examine the factors that influence sensory patterns and their impact on sleep quality to provide insights that can inform more effective, holistic approaches in occupational therapy (OT) interventions. This study aims to address how sensory processing patterns affect sleep and mental health in individuals with mental conditions.

PROCEDURES: The online survey consists of three surveys and can be completed in about 15-20 minutes. The survey will ask questions regarding your experiences of sleep, stress, sensory processing, and demographic details Your responses are completely anonymous, with no identifying information collected. After you finish the entire survey, you will see a copy of your own sensory processing patterns profile.

POTENTIAL RISKS: Potential risks may include privacy risks in regard to data collection and lack of anonymity. Personal information and responses may be shared with third parties without explicit knowledge. Risk for hidden costs, in terms of time and effort, may occur, as the study may take longer than advertised. Psychological risks and uncomfortable emotions may arise due to the study involving personal or sensitive questions that could evoke emotional distress.

POTENTIAL BENEFITS: By participating in this study, you will help advance research on how sensory processing patterns affect sleep in adults with mental health conditions. The findings aim to enhance understanding of sleep-related challenges and support the development of future occupational therapy treatments addressing sensory and sleep needs.

COMPENSATION: Compensation will not be offered for your participation in this study.

CONFIDENTIALITY: All information collected in this study will remain entirely confidential and non-identifiable. The survey does not require your name, and there will be no follow-up contact after you complete it.

QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS: For further information about the study, please contact Dr. Megan Chang, Principal Investigator, at Complaints about the research may be presented to the San José State University, Occupational Therapy Department chair, Dr. Gigi Smith at For questions about participants’ rights, or, if you feel you have been harmed in any way by your participation in this study, please contact Dr. Jessica Trask Interim Associate Vice President for Research & Innovation, San José State University, at

AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE: If you agree to participate, please check the box below. Checking “yes” indicates that you have read the information above about the research, understand your rights as a participant, and give your voluntary and informed consent. We greatly appreciate your willingness to contribute your time and energy to our research.